
Λίστα των βιβλίων του Αγγλικού Τμήματος του Κολλεγίου Ανατόλια (γυμνάσιο – λύκειο) για την χρονιά 2013-14


Παρακάτω θα βρείτε τη λίστα των βιβλίων του Αγγλικού Τμήματος του Κολλεγίου Ανατόλια (γυμνάσιο – λύκειο) για την χρονιά 2013-14, ανά τάξη.


Πρώτη Γυμνασίου (1st form)

Oxford First Certificate Masterclass, 2008 ed., Student Book

ISBN 978-0-19-452200-7

Oxford First Certificate Masterclass Workbook

ISBN 978-0-19-4522050-2
American Headway 3 Student’s Book (Oxford, SECOND EDITION, 2009)     

ISBN-10: 0194729834


American Headway 3 Workbook  (SECOND EDITION)

ISBN-10: 0194727866

ISBN-13: 978-0194727860


Δευτέρα Γυμνασίου (2nd form)

Note: many but not all students will already have these books from last year

Oxford First Certificate Masterclass Student Book

ISBN 978-0-19-452200-7

Oxford First Certificate Masterclass Workbook

ISBN 978-0-19-452201-4

In January, 2013

New Trends Student Book (Burlington) ISBN 978-9963-47-813-2
New Trends Workbook (Burlington) ISBN 978-9963-47-877-4
World Pass Upper Intermediate (Thompson EFL) Student book    ISBN 0-8384-0669-6



Τρίτη Γυμνασίου (3rd form)

Note: many students will already have these books from last year

World Pass Advanced (Thompson EFL) Student book

ISBN 0-8384-0670-X

New Trends Student Book (Burlington)

ISBN 978-9963-47-813-2

New Trends Workbook (Burlington)



Πρώτη Λυκείου (4th form)

American Headway 5 (Oxford)

ISBN 978-0-19-472921-5

Cambridge English Proficiency Masterclass Student Book

ISBN:  978-0-19-470524-0

Δευτέρα Λυκείου (5th form)

 A World of Fiction, ed. Sybil Marcus (Pearson/ Longman, 2006)

ISBN 013-1946366




Meet Rainbow

About Rainbow Rainbow first opened its doors in 1984. As a day program with a fun new theme each year, it offers a unique, magical experience to children aged...

Rainbow Activities

Rainbow activities are split into three groups; Discovery, Creativity and Activity Discovery Young curious minds deserve all the help we can give them and where better than Anatolia with its collaboration...

Registration Process

Would you like your child to live the Rainbow experience this summer? Follow the simple steps below in order to submit your application and choose your payment method. Rainbow accepts...

Apply as Staff

Love working with kids? Want to spend this summer educating the young Rainbow program participants on the Anatolia Elementary School campus in Thessaloniki? Want to help out with...